


Obama on gay adoption 


yeah totally ruining this country what a horrible guy

Fun fact: Obama has attempted to fix almost everything that he promised to fix, but the republicans have voted almost all of his bills out of congress. He’s not the problem.


Ugh. Kids these days. With their taste in things that’s different than my taste in things was when I was their age due to the ever-evolving media landscape and constantly growing range of options and things that have nothing to do with their intelligence or anything going down hill. Get off my lawn.



I have so many questions about the skeleton war like
1: why do skeletons hate fuckboys enough to declare war on them
2: do i have to be dead to join the skeleton war or can i just strip off my skin
3: are dinosaurs involved

1) the fuckboys have no set gender or race, they are simply the bad people in this world and the skeletons hope to banish them

2) you can just strip off your skin

3) dinosaur skeletons are used as catapult launchers, so, yes, they are involved